Treatment for corns and calluses

21st August 2019

Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop in order to protect the skin from the effects of friction and pressure. Corns usually develop near a bony area of a toe or between toes, while a callus usually develops on the underside of the foot.

Corns can be uncomfortable and painful conditions, often caused by ill-fitting shoes that rub against the toes and create pressure and friction on the skin.

To treat corns, the foot should be soaked in hot water for at least five minutes and then towel dried. Gently rub the corn with an emery board or pumice stone to remove any surface layer of hardened skin.  A medicated ointment, such as Kroko corn and callus remover can then be applied to the affected area before leaving it to dry for a few minutes.

After treating the corn or callus it should be covered with a corn protector plaster, to reduce pressure on the area and to help prevent the ointment from rubbing off.  Repeat the process and change the corn protector dressing once a day for six days.

Another method of removing corns or calluses is by using a medicated corn plaster that, with ongoing use, can soften and remove corns.  

Kroko health care products are available from pharmacies throughout South Africa.