Tank Snakes available in SA

13th June 2022

Tank Snakes available in SA

Tank Snakes have been used successfully in the USA for almost 20 years and are now available here in SA.

Tank Snakes are Water Absorbers for Diesel and specifically designed to remove water in a very efficient manner. The Snakes come in different sizes for different applications, either Instant or Reusable.

Most commonly water comes from condensate occurring in a Diesel Tank when there is a change in temperature. This could be between day and night or after operation of the diesel engine which has increased the fuel temperature.

Besides corrosion being caused by water in steel tanks, “Diesel Algae” will also start to grow after a few days. If not eliminated the “Diesel Algae” will continue to multiply and when the equipment needs to run it will be sucked into the fuel filter causing it to block and prevent the engine from running.

Tanks or Equipment that are not used regularly have an even higher risk of these issues. By removing any condensate as soon as it occurs is the best way to prevent these problems.

Tank Snakes can be used in a variety of Diesel Storage Tanks, Bulk to Farm Tanks, Day Tanks and even on mobile equipment.

As mentioned, the Tank Snakes come in different sizes and can be used in a verity of applications.

The Yellow Snakes are for one use and need to be disposed of once fully saturated with water.

The Black, Red and White Snakes can be reused up to 10 times. In order to reuse the Snakes they need to be left to dehydrate fully.

The different lengths will also determine the application.

Most commonly the Snakes are used in Bulk to Farm Tanks, Small Diesel Transfer Tanks, Gensets and Smaller Equipment that do not work too many hours in a year. Basically, anywhere where diesel has to stand for long periods of time and will allow condensate to build up.

Finally, a Product that continuously removes water from your Diesel.