Survey solids created from scan data

23rd July 2019

A software product has been designed to handle large amounts of scanned survey point data and to use the data to automate the process of creating valid solids.

The technology provides two key pieces of information, namely a wireframe and an outline of the development. An algorithm uses the scan points to generate a wireframe of the scan. The complex wireframe uses tailored functions within the software to clean out as much noise and obstructions as possible.

Users can import light detection and ranging data exchange (LAS) files, choose the meta data options, modify them using a clipping box and remove points based on the value of the point such as colour and intensity.

Scanners generate large amounts of data in a very short time and the software uses these large datasets to generate useful information for mine operations, without relying on physical processing. The Deswik.CAD can handle large data sets up to 200-million points and mining sites can import *.LAS files directly onto the system.

The new Deswik.AdvSurvey software module was developed at the company’s head office in Brisbane, Australia using feedback from a variety of surveyors around the world. Deswik states that its new module was designed to reflect the changing scope of surveys in mining. It is currently being used in underground operations, with plans to introduce the software to openpit mines in the near future.