Special Offer on Research Briefs

10th August 2022

Special Offer on Research Briefs

Creamer Media’s Research Channel Africa published a series of Mid-Year Briefs that investigates key developments in some of South Africa’s key industrial and mining sectors.  These briefs provide a summary of insights on key developments within these sectors drawing on material published over the past 12 months.

Mid-Year Briefs are available for the following sectors:


The Mid-Year Briefs are available at a rate of R250 each ex VAT.

Subscribers to Creamer Media’s Research Channel Africa have access to all Mid-Year Briefs as an inclusive part of their subscription package. Research Channel Africa also gain access to the following subscriber benefits:

A Subscription to the weekly magazine, Engineering News & Mining Weekly

Back issues of Engineering News and Mining Weekly

A project-tracking service, including a convenient Excel spreadsheet of tracked projects

Profiles of all African countries

Access to a mine profile directory

Access to a searchable database of all published material dating back to 1999

CLICK HERE to subscribe to Creamer Media’s Research Channel Africa at the discounted rate of R3 950 ex VAT (our normal rate is R5 900 a year per user)

CLICK HERE to buy individual Mid-Year Briefs