Software tackles Zoom fatigue

9th July 2021

Software tackles Zoom fatigue

The Video Window platform encourages informal communication between employees

A survey conducted by UK-based employee recognition company Achievers, showed that at least a third of the workforce feels disconnected from their company culture, due to remote working and a lack of interpersonal interaction with colleagues.

New software has been developed by video conferencing specialists Video Window, to help employees feel less disconnected and to encourage interpersonal communication.

The company explains that the system has a 24-hour or a scheduled video stream and should ideally be set up in a common area such as a lunchroom, between offices. Employees approach the screen and knock on it to alert a person on the other side that they would like to chat. 

The stream is automatically muted, but a knock from the first user will alert the second and give them the opportunity to unmute the screen to start a conversation. 

The stream can also be set up between more than one office or even used by remote employees, who can download the application on a tablet and also join in the conversation. 

The digitisation of the workforce, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, has made communication between employees at different locations much easier, but it still lacks human interaction. The Video Window application aims to help recover a feeling of human interaction by facilitating unscheduled calling and the orientation of the screen, making the conversations that stem from the interactions more natural and spontaneous. It aims to reduce Zoom fatigue by ensuring that interactions aren’t forced or formal, Zoom etiquette is not required and the call can be disconnected at any time.

“We have too many scheduled video meetings, especially over the Covid period. We miss the office banter and social interactions, and Video Window enables this and so much more,” confirms Corporate AV Integration MD Stefan Mayer.

“I think we are all missing out on real social connections. We have online interaction with our colleagues, but they are all scheduled and mostly work related. Video Window takes the meeting aspect out of video conferencing and becomes a tool for spontaneous connection in the workplace. When a team has the ability to have these spontaneous interactions, it alleviates the feeling of being disconnected – helping teams grow and be more productive,” concludes Mayer.