Renewable energy mounting system offers environment-friendly solution

13th August 2019

A new solar photovoltaic (PV) mounting solution offers a flexible way to build a solar energy system, without the use of obstructing substructures that are potentially damaging to the environment.

By mounting solar modules on specially-designed ropes, which are attached to walls or pillars, a customised clean energy supply can be established nearly anywhere.

The meeco Group is currently installing its sun2rope mounting solution in safari lodges in Kenya.

The system is designed to protect the landscape and to minimise the impact on the environment. Mounting solar PV modules on flexible ropes eliminates the need for overground substructures, as the system requires only wooden or steel pillars or uses existing walls.

The system uses lightweight technical ropes, facilitating easier transport, construction and mounting of the modules.

In addition, the system can be installed in areas where space is limited or on uneven surfaces. Panels can be spanned across rivers, canals or similar obstacles. The space between two buildings could even be transformed  into a solar plant, using the rope-mounting system.