Programmable DC power products available

13th April 2022

Programmable DC power products available

EA Elektro-Automatik has introduced its EA10000 series oprogrammable DC power products

An enhanced and expanded line of EA-PS and EA-PSI programmable direct current (DC) power supplies, EA-PSB bidirectional DC power supplies, and EA-ELR regenerative DC electronic loads has recently been introduced.

EA Elektro-Automatik’s 10000 series includes over 180 new models offering a greater range of power from 0 W - 600 W to 0 W - 30 kW. The models provide extended voltages from 0 V - 10 V to 0 V – 2 000 V, a significant increase over the 9000-series power instruments and providing output current as high as 1 000 A. 

Products available include:

EA Elektro-Automatik’s EA10000 series of enhanced performance, autoranging, bidirectional and regenerative programmable DC power products are available from Vepac Electronics.