Monitoring system to help improve indoor air quality

14th October 2020

Monitoring system to help improve indoor air quality

Legrand’s Netatmo smart systems help monitor indoor air quality

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a greater focus on the importance of hygiene and maintaining a healthy home environment.

It has been shown that indoor air can be more polluted than outside air and that allergens such as mould, dust particles and chemicals in cleaning materials, can all contribute to poor indoor air quality. This is of particular concern for parents with babies and young children, who are more susceptible to air pollution. Constant exposure to contaminants can lead to health problems, such as irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and may also trigger asthma symptoms.

Legrand’s Netatmo smart systems comprise indoor air quality monitors, which are designed to be easy to install, configure and manage. The company explains that its indoor air quality monitors allow homeowners to enhance their living environment by controlling air quality, humidity, temperature and sound levels.

High humidity in a home makes the air ‘heavier’, leading to breathing difficulties and resulting in the growth of bacteria, fungus and yeast.

Netatmo air quality monitors communicate all necessary information about the home environment directly to a smartphone and allow users to view data history. By tracking various parameters and receiving real time alerts when the home environment changes, users are able to use the information to help maintain a healthy environment.

Other products in Legrand’s Netatmo range include security products, energy solutions, including heating products and thermostats, and weather stations.