Logistics portal facilitates delivery management

15th January 2021

Logistics portal facilitates delivery management

A Bidvest International Logistics warehouse

A new road-freight portal is designed to help manage deliveries seamlessly from start to end, providing real-time collaboration and interaction between clients and deliveries.

Bidvest International Logistics (BIL) has launched the online Bidtrans Portal which aims to help clients to streamline compliance matters, service deliveries, tracking, transport proof of deliveries (PODs) and invoicing.

The portal will allow companies to source loading capacity and meet client demand throughout the year and will also give BIL the capacity to offer an automated booking space service. Phase one of the platform’s launch is aimed at contracted customers, while phase two will be aimed at the broader business-to-consumer market, using an ad-hoc tariff structure, with future plans for the launch of a mobile application. 

BIL highlights that robust and rigid reliability are critical in transportation and that its online portal is simple and easy to navigate, integrating its systems to effectively and timeously manage load collection, tracking, delivery, POD uploading and invoicing. It states that its portal is flexible enough to respond to client requests, by conforming to agreed service-level agreements that may differ from one client to the next. The portal aims to enhance the existing customer experience, offering an automated service platform while still giving clients the option to liaise directly with key personnel on a 24-hour basis.

The portal incorporates a tracking module to mitigate potential delays associated with loading and offloading points and the risks surrounding failed on-time delivery. In order to address the risks related to multiparty involvement with moving shipments, a driver is briefed on new collection points and any special requirements and the process is kept simple and resilient, namely: client – BIL – consignor – transit – consignee – POD – invoice.

BIL contends that one of the strongest selling points of the portal is the company’s long history of moving freight in South Africa; with 17 warehouses countrywide, employing over 1 250 South Africans and an established international network of 250 offices in 120 countries, the company is assured of its capacity to provide a digitised platform that is sustainable and practical.