Linking sensors to the cloud

18th March 2022

Linking sensors to the cloud

The io-key allows transmission of sensor data directly to the cloud

The integration of sensors into the Internet of Things enables industrial cloud applications and is useful in a range of applications, such as the monitoring of machines.  

The io-key from ifm electronic allows centralised monitoring of sensor data of small or decentralised applications. The io-key can be used to monitor remote machine parts that are not connected to a company’s network. It allows transmission of sensor data directly to the cloud even without a controller and connection to a network. It is possible to connect up to two sensors to the compact device by means of IO-Link. The measured values are then uploaded and saved to the cloud using a mobile network. All that is required is the io-key, a power supply and sufficient global system for mobile, or GSM, coverage.

The user can visualise and analyse the data transmitted to the cloud on a Web-based dashboard, which allows for the set-up of different configurations. For example, notifications can be sent automatically by email or SMS when limit values are exceeded or not reached. A summarised representation of the measured values can also be generated and exported as reports. 

Transmission to the cloud using the io-key is said to be an ideal solution when the measured values of the sensors are not needed in real time and a direct connection is not possible. It allows for monitoring of remote machine parts such as tank monitoring with KQ10 type level sensors, fan monitoring with VVB type vibration sensors, or valve monitoring with the MVQ valve sensor.