HP fire extinguishers suited for transport industry

16th August 2013

South African fire protection specialist Centa Group reports that a specialised range of fire protection equipment that includes high-performance (HP) vehicle fire extinguishers performs effectively in the event of a fire in transport vehicles.

The HP range is designed especially for flammable substances such as chemicals, petrol and diesel, which a vehicle may be transporting.

“Inilam A – a highly effective water additive material, with excellent properties for combat- ing rubber-tyre, engine and fuel- type fires, is used in the manu- facture of robust HP vehicle fire extinguishers,” says Centa Group chairperson Duncan Boyes.

“HP fire extinguishers, which have been designed especially for use on mines and in the petrochemicals industry, are filled with a dry-chemical fire suppression agent known as Purple K powder, which is highly effective in combating petrol and diesel fires,” he adds.

The specialised HP fire extin- guishers are manufactured locally by Centa, in accordance with South African Bureau of Standards quality and safety specifications.

Centa’s HPvehicle fire extinguishers have a thicker cylinder wall than standard extinguishers. The construction encompasses three layers; an internal rubber coating that prevents internal corrosion, heavy-gauge mild steel and a heavy-duty powder coating.

Corrosionproofing, for addi- tional protection in high-corrosion environments, like mines, sulphur plants and coastal regions, is also available.

A specialised fracturenating dispersion nozzle is designed for optimum firefighting efficiency and ensures the accurate and effective distribution of the extinguishing medium, as well as easy operation.

Further, HP fire extinguishers have a thicker cylinder wall than standard extinguishers.