Gearing Up For Safer Rail In 2030 – The Annual Rail Safety Conference 2022

22nd September 2022

Gearing Up For Safer Rail In 2030 – The Annual Rail Safety Conference 2022

The Annual Rail Safety Conference (ARSC) is a conducive forum for rail stakeholders to engage and collaborate on endeavours that will create safe, efficient and reliable solutions to address the emerging risks within the South African railway industry and beyond.

Hosted by the Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) under the theme “GEARING UP FOR SAFER RAIL IN 2030”, this year’s conference will be held in Cape Town on the 10th and 11th of October 2022 and will feature presentations from local and international rail experts from various disciplines.

The conference will also coincide with the annual launch of the State of Safety Report published by the RSR. This is intended to channel the discussions to subsequently address the following risks, inter alia:

Sub-Theme 1: The finger problem – Human Factor Management in Rail

Sub-Theme 2: Safe and secure train control systems - The future of digital encryption technologies. Technologies to improve safety performance of urban passenger rail systems.

Sub-Theme 3: Next Generation of Railway Signalling Systems - Accelerating towards the dynamic, reliable and flexible railway of the future.

Sub-Theme 4: Rollingstock Maintenance & Depot Optimisation - Adopting technology, working smarter and improving efficiencies

Sub Theme 5: Mind the Gap – Human Factor Management

Sub Theme 6: Safety Risk Modelling

If you are a rail operator, potential operator or a stakeholder in the rail space, this is an opportune platform to network, gain some insight into the sector, exchange experiences, solutions, and lessons for improving railway safety while allowing your voice to be heard in shaping the future you want to be a part of.

To showcase your services, expertise and products to the rail safety professionals and decision makers or to register as a delegate, kindly click here or send an email to with your details and an RSR official will gladly contact you.