Draft Guidelines for Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

17th September 2020


The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) have published for public consultation the Draft Guidelines for Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Verification Guidelines) for purposes of the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulations, 2016.

The Draft Technical Guidelines were published on 24 August 2020. Members of the public are invited to submit comments to the Minister within 30 days after the publication or by 24 September 2020.

The Verification Programme will be implemented in a phased approach as follows:

A high-level summary of key process steps and responsibilities are summarised as follows:


Process Stage Details of the verification guideline Applicable Section
1 Data Providers are required to collect and store relevant data and supporting evidence related to its GHG emissions. It is regarded as good practice for companies to establish a Monitoring Plan. Section 2.1
2 Data Providers are required to complete the self-declaration and submit requested documentation on the South African Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting System (SAGERS). This is referred to as an Emissions Report. Data providers that voluntarily submit an acceptable verification statement may have their submission immediately approved. Section 2.2
3 Once a data provider has submitted their data on SAGERS, the Competent Authority will conduct a series of post-submittal data and materiality risk assessment checks. The results of these checks will determine if the data provider is required to undergo a desktop review, site inspection or independent verification to have their emissions report approved. Section 2.3
4 If a Data Provider is selected for independent verification, they will be required to select an Independent Verifier approved by the Competent Authority aligned to the SANAS accreditation requirements. Once a signed Verification Opinion and final Verification Report has been issued by the Independent Verifier and the Competent Authority has conducted final checks on the Emissions Report and is satisfied with the outcome, the Emissions Report will be approved. Sections 4.1.1, 4.1.2 & 4.2
5 The data provider’s emissions report is deemed accepted if the competent authority does not respond to the data provider with questions for clarification or corrections within 60 days of receiving the verification report. Section 3.2.4


It is important for companies to ensure that they understand the materiality risk assessment check and the requirements for the review processes and provide comment and input on the above.

The document can also be accessed on: https://www.environment.gov.za/legislation/gazetted_notices

Should you require assistance with the above, please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards

Zelda Burchell

Carbon and Energy Manager

+27 11 568 3341

+27 82 410 0750



Cova Advisory