22nd July 2022


DEEP FIELD: On July 11, US President Joe Biden unveiled the debut photo from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Known as Webb’s First Deep Field, the image is of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. It reveals thousands of galaxies in a tiny sliver of the vast universe. Their colours vary, with some being shades of orange and others white. In front of the galaxies are several foreground stars, which mostly appear blue, and the bright stars have diffraction spikes, forming an eight-pointed star shape.
Photo by: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

DEEP FIELD: On July 11, US President Joe Biden unveiled the debut photo from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. Known as Webb’s First Deep Field, the image is of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. It reveals thousands of galaxies in a tiny sliver of the vast universe. Their colours vary, with some being shades of orange and others white. In front of the galaxies are several foreground stars, which mostly appear blue, and the bright stars have diffraction spikes, forming an eight-pointed star shape. Photograph: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI