Compact self-erecting cranes for smaller building sites

7th April 2017 By: Donna Slater - Features Deputy Editor and Chief Photographer

Self-erecting cranes have several benefits for contractors wanting a quick, easy and efficient solution to their lifting and moving requirements on smaller building sites, and perhaps even the larger ones, according to Midrand-based tower cranes and lifting solutions company SA French.

SA French is the South African distributor of Potain cranes and lifting solutions.

Now available in the rental fleet of SA French, the Potain IGO self-erecting crane features enhanced ease of movement and simple erection, making it an easier and less expensive option than a conventional tower crane.

With capacity to lift a maximum of 4 t, and 1 t at 40 m, the Potain IGO crane can be dismantled, erected and commissioned in just six to seven hours. The installation of ballast does not need to be performed for a mobile crane, as this can be done independently by means of a frame beam.

SA French notes that the IGO is particularly popular for lifting applications at projects such as small apartment blocks, and supplementary lifting on construction projects such as shopping centres.

In addition, it is not necessary to employ a truck crane to move the crane around a building site, as an ordinary freight truck can be used to perform this task, owing to the IGO crane’s compact size. The crane can also be used as an auxiliary unit on high-rise projects.

The crane places materials quickly and accurately, giving contractors and builders the opportunity to use their site storage more efficiently. The level of health and safety on site is also improved, as there is less movement of wheeled equipment on the ground with its risk of personnel-machine collisions.

Arranging the crane in an operating position takes only 10 to 15 minutes, saving substantially on working time on site and it requires only one operator with a remote control to assemble the crane and move cargo.

The IGO’s compact footprint needs only a 4.5 m × 4.5 m base, and there is no need to prepare a special platform for the crane; it can even be installed at a height of several floors.

The jib of the IGO crane can be shortened or luffed, should the need to do so arise, allowing it to neatly bypass obstacles it may encounter. When dismantled, the crane takes up even less space, with dimensions of 2.5 m × 3.5 m.

Standard features include wireless remote controls, quiet and efficient electric motors, variable-frequency motor drives, and overload protection systems. Its electricity consumption does not exceed 22 kVA.

Servicing of the unit is convenient, owing to all mechanisms being at ground level.

SA French has reported growing demand for these self-erecting cranes and has increased the number available in its rental fleet.