Circular economies can foster inclusivity in Africa, address social challenges – IWMI

8th March 2024 By: Sabrina Jardim - Creamer Media Online Writer

Through resource efficiency, circular design, water reuse, repair and recycling, African nations can customise their economic systems to maximise social benefits and sustainability, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Southern Africa states.

Circularity models can foster inclusivity in Africa, address pressing economic and social challenges, while promoting sustainable development, it adds.

By reimagining traditional linear models of production and consumption, a circular economy offers opportunities for growth that benefit all segments of society, the IWMI notes, adding, however, that each African country needs to adapt its policies according to its particular needs and resources.  

“In Africa, where resource scarcity and environmental degradation pose significant obstacles to development, embracing circular principles can unlock new avenues for job creation, entrepreneurship and community empowerment.

“Through initiatives such as designing out waste, resource cycling and innovative product design, the circular economy can harness the continent's abundant resources and creativity to generate shared prosperity.

“Further, by prioritising local production, resource efficiency and social equity, the circular economy has the potential to reduce inequalities, empower marginalised communities and promote resilient, self-sustaining economies across Africa,” says IWMI regional representative for Southern Africa Henry Roman.

In adopting the circular economy, the IWMI posits, Africa can create a more inclusive and sustainable future, where economic prosperity is linked to environmental stewardship and societal wellbeing.  

“A circular economy is not just waste management, recycling, reuse or reduction alone. The principles of a circular economy involve designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use and regenerating natural systems.

“It emphasises resource efficiency, circular design, product longevity, reuse, repair and recycling to create a sustainable, closed-loop system that minimises environmental impact and maximises economic benefits,” Roman explains. 

Further, to ensure water security, the IWMI notes that circular approaches to water management – water reuse, recycling and resource recovery in the form of nutrients from wastewater – must be considered.

Hence, it says the reuse of wastewater does not always have to be to potable standards, but it can meet industrial or agricultural standards, minimising the cost of treatment.

However, the Circularity Gap Report 2024 indicates that, despite the circular economy entering the mainstream, global circularity is in decline, with the share of secondary materials entering the economy having declined from 9.1% in 2018 to 7.2% in 2023.

“In the last six years, we have consumed nearly as many materials as in the last century.  It is, therefore, critical that circular solutions are designed with the developing world in mind,” warns the IWMI.