Cape Town forum to look at how data can enable South African cities to build resilient govts

25th March 2019 By: African News Agency

Cape Town is hosting a conference from Monday which will explore how cities can utilise data to build resilient and responsive local governments.

In a statement, the city said the British High Commission had brought in representatives from United Kingdom organisations specialising in the use of data to improve public sector planning and operations, including Future Cities Catapult and the United Kingdom Government Digital Services.

"Advances in technology, innovations in management and the use of data can enable the city to thrive," it said. "By using data we can be more responsive and this is one of the reasons why the city has embarked on a focused data initiative and developed a data strategy to leverage data at our disposal."

Speakers at the Future Cities data conference will address the importance of citizen generated data and how improved data from within informal settlements can improve community organisation and quality of life, data-driven spatial planning and how to build government data science capabilities to support data-driven decisions.