Akobo engages TS Environment Technology to complete Segele Esia

5th October 2021 By: Tasneem Bulbulia - Senior Contributing Editor Online

Norway-based gold exploration company Akobo Minerals has awarded an environmental- and social-impact assessment (Esia) contract to Ethiopia-based TS Environment Technology, for the Segele project in Ethiopia.  

TS  Environment has undertaken over 50 Esia studies and assignments according to international best practice requirements, Akobo notes.

The Esia will assess and predict the environmental and social impacts of the Segele mine and recommend suitable mitigation measures.

Akobo notes that the Esia is a vital building block for the Sustainable Natural Resource Management Plan, which is currently being prepared by Sazani Associates.

Based on the data collected by TS Environment, Sazani will finalise the planning process and the development phase of a payment for ecosystems services project, which is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2022.

The Esia will also indicate the potential to undertake a clean mining operation and leave the host communities with sustainable long-term income.

The first four specialists to arrive in camp will study water resources, cultural heritage, air and noise considerations.

In the coming weeks, primary data collection and baseline studies will be completed for social and environment considerations.

The Esia will be submitted for approval to the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission in December.