Acton Repair Services

24th January 2014

Acton Repair Services

Gauteng-based broad-based black economically empowered company Acton Repair Services has been active in the electrical motor repair market since 1989, when it was known as GEC Machine Repairs. The company underwent several name changes before assuming its current name in 2008.

The 170-employee company’s activities include the refurbishment of alternating current (ac) motors ranging from 55 kW to 5.4 MW; the refurbishment of traction motors, motor alternators and generators for electric locomotives; the refurbishment of main generators and auxiliary generators for diesel locomotives; and the refurbishment of auxiliary motors and components.

Acton Repair Services also manufactures components, including medium-voltage ac coils and winding kits ranging from 1 kV to 11 kV and complete ac rotor and stator assemblies, as well as traction components ranging from armature coils for electric and diesel locomotives to complete armatures, commutators, field and interpole coils and complete traction motors.

The range of services rendered by Acton Repair Services includes the full-load testing of traction motors, the no-load testing of ac motors from 380 V to 11 kV and bar-to-bar and El Cid testing. The company also provides general machining and fabrication services, a 24-hour breakdown service and after-sales services.

Acton Repair Services boasts several quality certifications, including ISO 9001:2008 and SABS 1561, for low-voltage repairs; SABS 970, for sparkproofing; and SABS 314 – 1 and 2: 1994, for flameproofing.