Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation power rehabilitation project, Zambia

7th May 2010 By: Tamsyn Graumann

Name and Location
Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (Zesco) power rehabilitation project (PRP), Zambia.

Project Description
The Zesco PRP is aimed at replacing and upgrading ageing infrastructure at a number of hydropower stations across Zambia, namely the Kariba North, the Kafue Gorge and the Victoria Falls hydropower stations.

The rehabilitation of these three stations will provide the power grid with an additional 220 MW. The PRP will also extend the life of the power plants from 10 years to 30 years.

Two 180-MW turbines will be added to the Kariba North station and the existing two will be upgraded from 150 MW installed capacity to 180 MW installed capacity.

The total value of the PRP has not been disclosed; however, the Kariba North extension will cost $420-million.

The rehabilitation programme started in 1998. Commissioning of the fourth turbine at the Kariba North power station is expected in March 2011, at the earliest.


Key Contracts and Suppliers
The World Bank and the Development Bank of Southern Africa (finance loans), Alstom (rehabilitation work) and SinoHydro (construction).

Latest Developments
Work at the Kafue Gorge and the Victoria Falls power stations is mostly complete and the first three turbines at the Kariba North hydropower station are running. However, a fire broke out in a work area at the Kariba North station and damaged some parts of the fourth turbine, which was being reassembled in September 2009. As a result, rehabilitation work was suspended and replacement parts are being manufactured in France.

On Budget and on Time?
Commissioning of the fourth turbine at the North Kariba station was initially scheduled for March 2010 but is now expected in March 2011, at the earliest.

Contact Details for Project Information
Alstom, tel +33 1 45 30 85 75.
SinoHydro Bureau international project department, tel +86 871 3344618, +86 871 3344601 or +86 871 3321181; fax +86 871 3320833; or email or