Screening buckets do the heavy lifting of recycling

14th October 2022

Screening buckets do the heavy lifting of recycling

MB Crusher screening buckets process mixed material for recycling

The handling of mixed materials in the recycling process is recognised as one of the biggest complications, as miscellaneous products are difficult to separate – which is integral to effective processing and recycling.

Waste screening is essential in the recycling of construction and demolition debris. This procedure consists of separating waste material into multiple grades or separating mixed materials by type. The sorting can be done manually, which is a very laborious and lengthy process. Alternatively, materials can be hauled to processing centres, which is logistically challenging, costly and has health and safety implications for site contractors and the general public, as a result of the movement of large vehicles in and out of a site. 

MB Crusher offers a solution to this problem, namely processing the mixed material where it is, using available heavy equipment fitted with a MB Crusher screening bucket.

The attachments are boom extensions that can be used with any brand of carrier and help heavy machinery operators to carry out a number of tasks, beyond just excavating.

MB's screening buckets have been used for a range of applications, such as:

MB emphasises that its screening buckets facilitate and speed-up separation of mixed materials, helping to reduce landfill waste, while also saving time, labour and money.