Recently a number of articles have appeared in the South African media focused on WorleyParsons’ alleged close working relationship with Rosatom and the Russian government

1st July 2016

These articles questioned WorleyParsons’ ability to act as an independent adviser and the integrity of WorleyParsons in carrying out its work.  The also allege certain irregularities in WorleyParsons’ dealings on previous projects.

WorleyParsons eschews all forms of improper business practice and strongly opposes any actions, statements and allegations that challenge WorleyParsons’ high standards of integrity and business ethics in all its project works, business dealings, and relationships with clients and partners.  WorleyParsons conducts its business in an open, honest and ethical manner, in accordance with applicable regulatory and legal requirements and relevant codes of practice.  WorleyParsons has company approved systems and processes that support and promote ethical conduct.

As WorleyParsons is one of the leading consultants in the nuclear field we are actively involved in many nuclear programs around the world. WorleyParsons has worked on, and continues to work on nuclear development and construction projects in various countries. This has allowed WorleyParsons to develop unique and unrivaled expertise and experience for the benefit of its clients.  Specifically WorleyParsons has expanded its nuclear advisory practice as more countries consider nuclear power generation as an option to meet their energy demands.

On most of its recent projects, WorleyParsons has worked directly for the nuclear project owner. The Company has advised these owners on their dealings with a range of technology vendors.  WorleyParsons confirms that it is not in any way affiliated with Rosatom or any of the technology vendors, and always acts in support of and is committed to its client’s interests and objectives.  WorleyParsons has never been and is not in any conflict of interest in performing its services on the various nuclear projects around the world and strongly objects to any speculation in that regard.

About WorleyParsons RSA:
WorleyParsons RSA operates across three sectors; Hydrocarbons, Minerals, Metals & Chemicals and Infrastructure (including Power) and has advised the South African Public sector on a number of energy matters including nuclear projects for nearly 40 years.

WorleyParsons is committed to South Africa, with offices across the country in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town employing over 1000 people. The Company holds a Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) level 2 rating certification.