Mining Machines Bring Mobile Classrooms

27th September 2017

Mining Machines Bring Mobile Classrooms

The learners of Alldays Primary School now have three new classrooms as a result of venetia mine’s mining equipment which assisted them in relocating un-used mobile classrooms from Alldays high school to Alldays primary school.

Before these new classrooms 105 grade 5 learners shared a single class.  The school’s grade r learners experienced similarly crowded classrooms. These circumstances have been greatly improved by the mobile units which have reduced class sizes to just over fifty learners per classroom.

De beers provided a lowbed truck and crane and partnered with ravhuyani construction and projects who provided technical assistance to the Alldays-based company Khulilute suppliers and construction and in so doing saved the school approximately r150 000 which is what it would have cost to hire a private company to transport the mobile containers.

“De beers and its contracting partners welcomed the opportunity to come on board as a partner to improve the learning environment for these learners and give them a better chance at achieving academic success” says corporate affairs manager, Josephine Pieters.