John Tarboton

23rd October 2015

John Tarboton

Full Name: John Nigel Tarboton

Position: Executive director of the Southern Africa Stainless Steel Development Association (Sassda)

Main Activity of the Company: Growing the stainless-steel finished-product market

Date and Place of Birth: February, 25, 1966, Harare, Zimbabwe

Education: BSc (Eng) Physical Metallurgy, 1988, University of the Witwatersrand; Certificate in Management, Henley Management College, 1997

First Job: Metallurgist, research and development (R&D) laboratory, Columbus Stainless

Career History Prior to Current Position: Senior R&D metallurgical engineer, 1990 to 2002; senior technical customer services engineer, 2002 to 2013, at Columbus Stainless

Size of First Pay Packet: R40 000 a year

First Job with Present Group: Fabrication and welding sector manager

Value of Assets under Your Control: Not stated

Number of People under Your Leadership: Ten

Management Style: Servant leader to our members and participative leader to the Sassda team

Personal Best Achievement: Marrying my wife and having our children

Professional Best Achievement: My contribution to the knowledge base of 3CR12

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Life: My grandmother, Peggy Forshaw

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Career: Colin Waters, who recruited me, and Don Maxwell, MD of 3CR12 International, who inspired me to believe in the impossible

Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Nigel Mansell

Businessperson Who Has Impressed You Most: Richard Branson

Philosophy of Life: Do not sweat the small stuff

Biggest Ever Opportunity: Receiving a bursary from Middelburg Steel & Alloys, which enabled me to study at university

Biggest Ever Disappointment: Crime, corruption, unemployment and a sluggish economy

Hope for the Future: That South Africa becomes all that it has the potential to be

Favourite Reading: Noseweek, IFLScience

Favourite TV Programme: Mrs Brown’s Boys, The Following, Homeland

Favourite Food/Drink: Medium-rare rump steak/South African wine

Favourite Music: Queen, Meatloaf

Favourite Sport: Sailing, watching cricket and Formula One

Favourite Website:

Hobbies: Braaing with my family

Car: Opel Astra

Pets: Two dogs, three cats and eight kittens

Miscellaneous Dislikes: Poor drivers and their flagrant disregard for the rules of the road

Favourite Other South African Company: Woolworths

Favourite Foreign Company: American Society of Association Executives

Married: To Susan Niccolls, since September 21, 2001

Children: Samantha, 13; Robin, 9

Clubs: Lake Deneys Yacht Club