Free e-book highlights benefits of sorters for mining operations

28th April 2023

Free e-book highlights benefits of sorters for mining operations

New eBook highlights TOMRA Mining sorters

A new, free-to-download publication outlines how digital sorting data services can help mining operations stay in control, take quicker action, and build stronger collaboration across teams and departments.

The electronic book (e-book) is entitled The Benefits of Data-driven Quality Control and can be downloaded from the TOMRA website.

TOMRA Mining designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting technologies for the global mineral processing and mining industries. Sensor-based sorting machines inspect material that passes through the processing line, collecting a variety of data.

The company explains that sorting data services can turn sorters into connected devices and provide a secure, near-live monitoring dashboard for a mine’s sorting lines, allowing for the continuous monitoring and optimization of a sorting line’s output quality.

A modern sorting data platform can be a powerful quality management tool by turning the data into actionable information by processing, enriching and visualizing it in easy-to-read graphs, creating customized reports and comparisons that provide valuable insights, adds TOMRA.

Automatically recorded, remotely accessible, objective data sets are available on any computer or mobile device, making them easily accessible with information streamlined for sharing and collaboration. Managers can remotely monitor distant or difficult-to-reach mining sites, facilitating data-driven operational and business decisions while also allowing the comparing and benchmarking of data from different sites.

All these features are aimed at enabling mineral processors to optimise decision-making and efficiency, to increasing productivity and profitability of operations. TOMRA highlights that its e-book focuses on how to efficiently produce high-quality product with maximum control and minimum waste.