Elevate your engineering and manufacturing operations with WilsonPro

16th November 2023

Elevate your engineering and manufacturing operations with WilsonPro

Telecommunications equipment supplier Bolton Technical, the trusted distributor for WilsonPro Amplifiers in Africa, is taking a bold step to address the enduring cellular connectivity challenges in the engineering and manufacturing sectors. They are achieving this through innovative repeater solutions and turnkey integrations. This forward-thinking approach has successfully revolutionised the way the engineering and manufacturing industry accesses essential cellular voice and data services.

Bolton has established a strong foothold, garnering commendable success in various engineering and manufacturing projects. Their expertise lies in ensuring seamless connectivity within on-site manufacturing facilities, supporting Internet of Things networks, and equipping industrial vehicles with mobile cellular units. This comprehensive approach tackles head-on the industry's long-standing connectivity issues.

Bolton Technical also specialises in the design and commissioning of relay towers equipped with large outdoor panel antennas. These towers are strategically placed to transmit cellular signals across expansive open areas, offering a perfect solution for manufacturing facilities in remote locations with subpar network coverage. This innovative solution has breathed new life into engineering and manufacturing operations conducted in challenging terrains.

Bolton has also introduced innovative mobile booster trailers powered by solar panels. These mobile units ensure a reliable source of cellular connectivity for data and voice services, precisely where it is needed within the manufacturing site. This visionary approach enhances communication, bolstering safety and efficiency across the entirety of the manufacturing operation.

Through their partnership with Wilson Electronics and a commitment to innovation and dedicated service, Bolton is poised to overhaul the engineering and manufacturing sector's cellular connectivity landscape. Many companies within this industry have witnessed significant enhancements in operational efficiency and safety standards thanks to these robust and comprehensive repeater solutions.

As the engineering and manufacturing sector continues to evolve, Bolton Technical remains resolute in its mission to provide ground breaking cellular connectivity solutions tailored to the industry's unique needs. Their introduction of new Zinwave technology, which extends wideband (150 Mhz to 6 Ghz) RF connectivity via fiber optic networks, is evidence of their commitment to staying ahead of the curve.

Bolton Technical's contributions stand as a testament to how technology can reshape the future of engineering and manufacturing. Their ingenious repeater solutions and turnkey installations are changing the game, making seamless communication and data exchange the new norm, and ultimately ushering in a transformative era for the industry.

About Bolton Technical 

Bolton Technical, sole agent for Wilson Electronics brands of weBoost and WilsonPro in the African region, has been integrating and supplying cell phone signal booster solutions since 2017, fulfilling the ever-increasing demand for improved cellular coverage in buildings and vehicles.  

Bolton Technical is a giant in the field of cellular components and a leading supplier of RF accessories, antennas, and cables.  

Bolton Technical’s footprint is extensive, with world class distribution hubs in the US and South Africa.  

Bolton Technical has type approval in 12 other African countries, and exports to Canada and Australia.  

For an expert consultation, contact Bolton Technical’s customer support team at sales@boltontechnical.co.za or call (JHB) 011 749 3085 or (CPT) 021 879 3057.