ATNS offers air traffic management bursaries to matriculants

9th April 2018 By: Marleny Arnoldi - Deputy Editor Online

Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) is offering bursaries to individuals who have completed their matric studies, to study towards a career in air traffic management.

Successful candidates – pending an application process that includes ability assessments and a formal interview – may choose between air traffic control and aeronautical information streams.

ATNS CEO Thabani Mthiyane said that, for applicants to qualify, they should have a valid matric certificate, with a pass in Pure Maths and English, and be a medically fit South African citizen.

“An ideal candidate should have good communication skills; be proficient at teamwork and multitasking; have good problem-solving, analytical and spatial reasoning abilities; have quick decision-making skills, emotional intelligence and high self-esteem,” he elaborated.

Applications through ATNS’s website closes on May 6.